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What is Intergenerational Programming?

Intergenerational programs and policies are burgeoning in other provinces in Canada (B.C, ON, AL) and are firmly established in other parts of the world such as the UK and the US. This includes programming at the provincial level, municipal level, through charities and nonprofits, within homes and daycares, etc. Old School founders see a great opportunity for Newfoundland and Labrador to invest in this important work within communities. 

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"Social engagements and interactions, bringing together younger and older generations for a common purpose. They build on the strengths that different generations have to offer, nurture understanding and mutual respect, and challenge ageism.”


- Generations Working Together, Glasgow

Why intergenerational programs are needed in Newfoundland and Labrador:
  • Newfoundland and Labrador's population is aging and greater social resources need to be allocated to this generation.

  • Young people are leaving the province and their older family members often stay behind without an immediate connection to younger generations.

  • Young people are facing greater interpersonal and social difficulties due to the presence of technology in their lives.

  • As we welcome new Canadians to the province, children are often disconnected from extended family members living elsewhere.

  • Older adults are struggling to keep abreast of societal and technological changes in their own communities.

  • There is no intergenerational arts programming currently offered in our province.

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